Saturday, August 1, 2015

GSE- Algebra II

 This blog is posted weekly by midnight on Sunday.  Each post includes  any tutoring updates  for the week, upcoming assessments, plan for the week and websites to help with the topic each day.

Hello all  Algebra 2 students:
 I look forward to a  wonderful  semester with you! All  students can have success in my class, a  list of key items:
1 )Great attendance
2) Listen to all instruction and ask questions as needed
3) Do all assigned work
4) Study outside the classroom ( if needed).
5) Positive Attitude

Let's have a great semester!

Ms. Harrell ( Tour Guide)

How to access CTLS

 This is the former PreCalculus blog  CTLS student login page: CTLS login username:     Office 365 username...